Environment Features

Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)
With BASSnet, you can maintain an ODS electronic log to record any related supply, recharging, repair, discharge or disposal operations. With this feature, you can also maintain a list of all equipment on-board that contains ozone depleting substances and track leak inspections that have been carried out on the equipment. Lastly, you can generate detailed and summarised ODS data for comparison and for generating environmental impact trends.

Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM)
BASSnet offers a complete end-to-end solution for creating, managing and reporting hazardous materials. We have user-friendly registers so you can create a comprehensive inventory of hazardous materials. Also, any item/component containing hazardous materials can be connected to them in their respective system records and be flagged as hazardous. IHM reports can be generated directly from BASSnet for certification renewal and reporting, among others, using data in the system.

Environmental Emissions & EEOI Calculators
With BASSnet’s Environmental Emissions Calculator, automatically generate and display Emissions to Sea and Air details of a vessel during a voyage, based on electronic log data. Also, check CO2 emission levels by analysing vessel EEOI using the Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator Calculator. This useful feature helps shipping companies, ship operators and crew to calculate the amount of pollution created compared to cargo carried and distance sailed, so you can better manage and reduce fuel consumption and lower emissions.

BASSnet enables the generation of EU MRV and IMO DCS reports which simplifies the regulatory reporting process to authorities. Using existing data in the database, you can conveniently generate the IMO DCS report as well as the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) report to track vessels’ carbon dioxide emissions. You can also generate an XML file for the EU MRV report which can be directly uploaded into the Thetis MRV platform as required by EMSA.

Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) Calculator
Use the BASSnet CII Calculator for easy and effective carbon monitoring. Directly derive CII calculations from data in BASSnet’s electronic Ship Log. Effectively visualise and monitor CII ratings on a fleet and vessel level. You can also view and calculate future projections of ratings, and instantly export calculations into a protected external format. This eco-friendly tool enables ship owners and managers to evaluate vessel CII rankings and stay compliant with the CII regulation.