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Product Update Announcement: New BASSnet Financials 3.2 Service Pack 2 is Released

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BASSnet Fleet Management Systems is an advanced, user-friendly ERP software that pushes the boundaries of maritime technology. BASSnet Financials is an integral module in this suite of solutions. We are excited to launch our latest product update.

BASSnet Financials 3.2 Service Pack 2 is now available for all users.

Streamlined payment process flow and user-friendly financial management

This product update includes valuable payment, banking and reporting enhancements as follows:

Payment and Banking Enhancements

  • Enhancements to improve the payment export file setup:
    • Enhancing system UI to ease the initial setup and subsequent maintenance of the payment export file configuration.
    • Introducing new file format option type of XML into the Payment Export Configurator.
    • Providing new file export grouping options for generating payment details when multiple payment plan entries are selected.
  • Enhancements to strengthen the payment export processing with new output data checking logic by minimum length during payment export file generation.


  • New option to view unposted line items in general ledger account balance – line item report.
  • Improved financial reporting when drilling down into account balances:
    • to display report filtering criteria.
    • to display the breakdown for multiple companies in separate screens.

Entry Handling

  • Enhancements on sales entry with newly added fields of header comments, sub type and line comments.
  • Improvements to Payment and Collection features to enhance open invoice search capability.

How will the BASSnet Financials product update benefit you?

BASSnet Financials 3.2 SP2 is designed to offer you a more user-friendly, efficient and centralised financial management experience.

You will gain:

  1. Greater efficiency from an improved payment export file tool which will save significant time and effort in setting up and maintaining the setup.
  2. New file output in XML to cater further the file requirements from the banks.
  3. The flexibility to configure payment files to be exported by relevant groups.
  4. Better evaluate the total account balance inclusive of both posted and unposted line items.
  5. Input additional information for sales entries as needed.
  6. More easily and quickly search for relevant open invoices for payment and collection settlements.

Contact us today to upgrade your fleet’s financial management experience!

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